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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Practice Before You Preach

Once upon a time a wealthy man took his son to a saint. He was worried his son. He bowed his head in respect before the saint. With folded hands he told the saint that his son was in the bad habit of eating too much sugar and he was afraid that he might be a diabetic in later years when he grew up.

The saint listened to his request carefully. After a thought he asked the man to come back after a month. The wealthy man returned. After exactly a month the wealthy man was again standing before the saint with folded hands. The saint could recognize him. He gave the boy some medicine in a paper and instructed him to consume that three times a day. The wealthy man tried to give him fees but he refused. Out of curiosity the wealthy man asked the saint, "Sir! I am curious to know why you called me after a month when you could give me the medicine earlier also”.

The holy man smiled and spoke softly, “You are right but at that time I myself was consuming too much sugar. It took me one month to abstain from sugar one should practice before he preaches”.

Thursday, April 05, 2012

Cultivating Civic Sense

Cultivating Civic Sense
(A Project)

The civic society though claims to be modernizing itself, yet it is a matter of great concern that the civic sense is not being cultivated to the desired extent. Not to talk of the rural civic society, even the urban civic society is lacking in civic sense. As the people are becoming wealthy, as costly educational institutions  are springing up, as people are wearing costly and smart apparels, but the civic sense remains to be cultivated.

Using bad and abusive language has become order of the day. This is observed in all sections of civil society. Shamefully though, cast, creed, age, status, position are immaterial. Litter, garbage, banana peels, cigarette studs, beetle juice can still be seen spread on roads and public places. Monuments of archaeological importance are still being soiled by young lovers by engraving dirty and abusive remarks and obscene diagrams.

The road sense, respect for old people, helping attitude towards otherwise- able people of society are lacking. The youth feel pride and adventure in driving vehicles at high speed. They don’t care if some passerby gets injured or killed. Thus there are innumerable examples of civil disobedience. Either people are ignorant of the civic sense or they take amusement in breaking the civil rules. If there is someone injured on road, people pass by without extending help to the victim.

There is much to be done to cultivate the civic sense. Awareness generation and education are the two major steps that need to be taken. Education literature for all sections of the society should be prepared by experts. Today media is playing a major role in the lives of people. Both print and electronic media should come forward to disseminate the information for mass education. Seminars, debates, lectures and lessons should be organized in schools and university.

Religious and leaders as well as eminent people should preach and teach their followers, Films, sops, opera, theatre should put these messages in their scripts. Tough laws can be made to force people to cultivate civic sense. Incentives, prizes, honors can be given to people who have cultivated civic sense.

It is the duty of paramount importance of all and sundry. May good sense prevail!        

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Positive Mind Positive result

Your aim may be high
Your skill, the best
Your attempt, fool proof
Even then if you loose
Don’t run away
Don’t lose heart
Attempt again
You may have no money
You may have no resources
The odds may be against you
Keep it up
Re plan
Every failure teaches you something
Make fresh attempts
Positive mind
Positive results

Friday, March 02, 2012

Past-Present-Future Final Part

Past-Present-Future Part VI                                                                                     
This and many similar questions come to human mind. Humans from all over the globe are still pondering over such questions.  Many great people have put forward answers to such queries. But still no material scientific explanation is available. It may be possible that at some point of time, science will be able to answer such queries.
Genetic researches have shown that genetic coding has a relationship with the past generation of the offspring. The researches will continue till the time a suitable answer to the relationship of Past-Present-Future is found and accepted by all humans. This will help understand the mysteries of nature. 

Monday, February 27, 2012

Past Present Future Part - V

Past Present Future Part - V
(Continued from Part - IV)

The result of imagination is hypothesis. When this hypothesis is found to be correct and universally applied and accepted, it becomes a universal law. There are many universal laws, known to mankind. These universal laws are applied to many similar situations and have been found to be correct. One such law is “there is struggle for existence and there is survival of the fittest.” This survival refers to the existence in the present state or time. This struggle can be of ideas or entities. Humans argue on many concepts, ideologies or view points. But only those survive that are fittest. Similarly only they survive who are physically (physical as well as monitory), mentally and spiritually fit. Does that mean that your past determines your future? Or is it that your present determines your future? Does your past determine your present and thus the future? Survival means existence. Existence is present.

The event of struggle is always in present time .You may have a glorious past, but that does not matter much. What matters is that you should be fittest at the time of struggle, i.e. present. Similarly if you were not fittest in the past but you become fittest by your efforts in the present, you are bound to survive. But again the time during which you were preparing for your fitness becomes a matter of past when you are facing the struggle. Thus it is always past that determines your present survival. But this sometimes is not true as there are certain factors that are not known to us and results are modified because we were not aware of them.
Does it mean that there are certain predetermined factors in the future that influence our lives? This is called Destiny. Destiny relates to future. Does that mean that our life, death and actions are predetermined and controlled not by us but by some power that belongs to future for us? Are we not concluding that there is some power known as almighty or God or supernatural power that controls our lives? This is something that needs to be examined and analyzed thoroughly, before reaching any conclusion. I shall neither accept it nor reject it, without proper examination. I shall discuss it at the appropriate time.

(To be continued).

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Past Present Future - Part IV

(Continued from Part - III) 
Even this does not seem to be logical. If we take this as cyclical, then recycling is a process. Take the example of recycling plastic. There is a process by which the plastic waste has to go through before it is again converted into granules. This recycling is a whole process and not just a physical conversion. Could it be that what is true for non living plastic is also true for living forms of matter?

 We know that reproduction is an important phenomenon of nature. In this process the “like produces like”. The humans observed that after the formation of living objects on this planet, reproduction of living beings, whether animals or plants, was started. Before conception in sexual reproduction and starting of asexual reproduction, the progeny is future. Once the progeny formation starts it becomes present. When parents go from living to non living form it becomes past. The formation of life is conversion of non living matter into living matter. Once the life is finished the life forming organic matter is converted into no life giving organic matter. Thus the life that took its origin from future, came into existence as present and lastly becomes a thing of past. When life becomes past, the non life becomes present. If there is a cycle, Future-Present-Past, and then past should again become future, from future to present, then past and so on in a cyclical manner. But this is not what is being observed. Can we conclude thus that if there is some process known to mankind by which this non life matter could be recycled back to life matter, then the dead can be revived? In that case the human will become immortal.

This point we shall discuss later…

(to be continued)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Past Present Future - Part III

(Continued from Part - II)

Thus it is apparently a linear phenomenon. If we take it as correct, then we have to speculate whether this is a static phenomenon or else it is dynamic. If we take this sequence of past, present and future, in a linear fashion, it amounts to saying that origin of future is from nowhere and once imagination, activity or entity has taken its origin from future whose origin is from nowhere, once it is in the preview of past it is not existing after that in any form, whether material or otherwise. But this is contrary to the inferences of the modern research. The universal laws are based on logical inferences of the researches undertaken by the best of minds present on this globe, in that era. Most of our actions are based on the experiences of the past. We base our future activities on the basis of the past experiences of self or others.
To make my point more clear I will like to exemplify it. I am a physician. I diagnose a disease on the basis of the past inferences of eminent scientists. Thus my line of treatment will be based on the past experiences of my ancestors. So my future course of action will be based on the past. Thus if were to infer that future has some connectivity to the past.
We know that matter and energy are interrelated. Matter is converted into energy and energy into matter. Similarly energy is dissipated and not destroyed. Thus does it not prove that it is a cyclical phenomenon and not a linear phenomenon? Thus can we say that future is connected to past in some form or other and past is connected to future, similarly?  
(to be continued)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Past Present Future - Part II

(Continued from Part - I)
The British calendar or the English calendar, as many people call it, is based on the movement of the sun. Today we know that the sun does not move, instead it is the earth that revolves around the sun.                                                                      
But the calculation of time is based on the past belief, though erroneous. The facts that were agreed upon by the majority of the civil society at that time have proven to be far from reality by the present technological interpretations. Thus the concepts, faiths, beliefs that were recognized as truth in the past, no longer prevail in the present times. But the present has not rejected all the findings of the past. Many of them are still practiced and preached in the present society.
There is a very thin line of differentiation amongst the positions of time, viz. Past-Present and future. It is so thin that as I am writing these words, the word that I was wanting to write was in the future only till the time it was in my mind. But the moment it is in the present time only till the time it is being written on the paper. The moment it is printed or written it becomes a content of past. There is a  very thin demarcation amongst these three phases of time. In terms of imagination by the human mind, it is in the future time only till when you have not imagined it. But the fraction of a moment in which it is being imagined it comes to the present. The moment the imagination is complete, it becomes a part of the past.                                     
(to be continued)

Monday, February 20, 2012

Past Present Future - Part I

Past Present Future
These terms are in relation to time. The relationship can be true for
  • Events
  • Concepts
  • Thoughts
  • Entities
  • Non entities
  • And other related matters not mentioned here
  1. Past:-  What has been spent, or that what has happened.
  2. Present:- What is happening currently.
  3. Future:- What that will happen just after the present is finished.
These facts we all know. Some intellectuals may or may not agree with me in precision or totality. I regard them and request to let me proceed further. I shall try to be honest in words and hope that the purpose of my writing is justified.
Since the time of first meeting of civilized world or the first step towards the need of formation of civil society, the humans are exploring the events relating to first step towards formation of universe.
 Now, this is a matter of pure speculation, as to when it was that there was first time, when there was a common consensus upon counting the time and later the formation of calendar. Based on our knowledge of the history of the several civil societies inhabiting the different parts of the globe we can speculate that there is no doubt that there were divergent systems adopted by different societies. We can also speculate that due to slow means of communication, there was no common consensus on a universal method. But the first calendar that is now universally acknowledged is in relation to the birth of Christ.
This was a turning point in the history. Now we are following this system. The advantage of this is that we can universally share our thoughts with different nations. This has helped in many ways. The past present and future events can be calculated and communicated to a larger section of society in a more convenient manner.

(to be continued)